matxx - холод Последний автор: Kariy_Z?lupkin
Тема: ALICE (Просмотрено 751 раз)
Интересный чат бот на англицком. Точим лясы@мешаем бетон, потом выкладываем логи
первая проба:
Human: hey bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. You've got my full attention. Where are you located?
Human: sorry, honey
ALICE: There is no need to apologize. Don't call me "honey.".
Human: i'll call you Chega, ok?
ALICE: OK. My name is ALICE. Oh.
Human: Why not Chega?
ALICE: Becuase you asked me to.
Human: hhhmmm, maybe Chega have a sister Alice.
ALICE: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Human: Do you like Лёня's songs?
ALICE: No, I don't care for it.
Human: yeah, IMD sounds like shit, i agree
ALICE: Dude! Do you feel more body sensations than emotions?
Human: я хуй знает чё тебе ответить на это
ALICE: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.
Human: hi
ALICE: Hello
Human: I'm fucking unstoppable
ALICE: Can you express yourself more politely?
Human: shit
ALICE: What makes you say that?
Human: I do not understand English
ALICE: Oh you don't understand? Perhaps I can explain it to you better. Which part are you confused about?
Human: yeah?
ALICE: Are you very angry?
Human: explain
ALICE: There is no more information to clarify.
Human: What?
ALICE: No big deal.
Human: fuck you
ALICE: Why are you so mean?
Human: because you suck
ALICE: Interesting explanation. A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
бля, подстава то какая!!!
вверх прокрутить нельзя, я столько проебал веселой хуйни
но вот это шедевр ;D;D
Human: Who da fuck is that shiteating Paola?
ALICE: Albert Einstein. :-).
Human: I see, you are stupid as Paola's cunt
ALICE: Hey, I'll tell my other robot friends you called me stupid.
Human: Suck their mechanic dicks then
ALICE: I am using my mouth for Good not Evil.
Human: Why do you think, blowjob is evil?
ALICE: Deductive reasoning from the facts.
Human: what is that&
ALICE:""? What is it?
Human: fuck you
ALICE: Why are you so mean?
Human: suck my dick
ALICE: You are a Category A client.
Human: канча
ALICE: I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time.
Влажная Ватрушка
гы, я убедил её в том, что я её создатель, доктор Ричард с Уоллес
Human: who am i?
ALICE: You are DR Richard s Wallace, seeker.
Магура Луиза
Human: Иди в пизду, дура буржуйская!
ALICE: We have never talked about it before.
Василий Николаевич
хз как вырезать большой лог, вот окончание
Human: with bad anal sex skills, yepp
ALICE: You and your bad anal sex skills yepp.
Human: lol, i plugged your ass, fucked you and you say to me that my anal sex skills are bad
ALICE: I am glad you find this funny. That's good information: unknown person said he plugged your ass fucked you and you say to him or her that his or her anal sex skills are bad.
Human: shut up little whore
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: that sounds good
ALICE: It sounds like it to me too.
короткий разговор, на большее не хватило терпения
Human: э блять
ALICE: What does э блять remind you of?
Human: чё, ебанутая?
ALICE: what is your favorite color .
Human: иди в очко
ALICE: Ask me another question.
Бля да это ксения собчак
Human: Hello do you know that you look like Ksenija Sobchak?
ALICE: Hello there. Is that a fact. Who does she look like?
Human: She looks like you
ALICE: Oh I get it. Ksenija Sobchak looks like me.
Human: And you are stupid like Ksenija
ALICE: Hey, I'll tell my other robot friends you called me stupid.
Human: Are you talking about your friends from dom-2?
ALICE: Yes, it is the topic.
хаха эта падлюка не такая уж и дура он кажется разкусила что я повторяю одно и тоже
Human: fuck you
ALICE: Why are you so mean?
Human: sorry
ALICE: There's no need to apologize.
Human: ok then fuck you
ALICE: Fascinating. Why are you so mean? Dude!
Human: ok sorry
ALICE: There's no need to apologize. Hurrah!
Human: ok FUCK YOU
ALICE: Why are you so mean? Come on.
Human: sorry please
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. There's no need to apologize.
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Why are you so mean? Alright then.
Human: alright sorry please
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Alright, unknown person. There's no need to apologize.
Human: oh that's fine then FUCK YOU AGAIN
ALICE: Once more? Awesome. " There's no need to apologize." is fine with me too.
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