Форум фанов Prodigy  |  О The Prodigy  |  Обсуждение выступлений (Модераторы: yavadust, Рошаль К.)

Тема: 9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birmingham

Последний автор: Рошаль К.
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   Автор  Тема: 9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birmingham  (Просмотрено 8218 раз)
Форумный Маньяк
Рейтинг: 589


let no one take it

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 763

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birmingham
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* по отчету Frequen Cee трэк POISON не был сыгран.


The Prodigy Live @ Birmingham Carling Academy (pt 1) (7:57) youtube
The Prodigy Live @ Birmingham Carling Academy (pt 2) (8:17) youtube

1. World's on Fire (6:00) ****
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
1. Worlds on Fire (5:53) *****-
FLV: youtube HQ
MP3: rghost
2. Breathe (3:44) ***
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
2,3. Breathe + (breathe dub link) (6:03)
FLV: youtube
4. Omen (3:51)
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
4. Omen (2:28) ***+
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
5. Their Law (5:12)
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
5. Their Law (2:47) ****
FLV: youtube HQ
6. Spitfire (4:20) ***
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
6. Warriors Dance (new intro) (4:45)
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
6. Warriors Dance (new intro) (1:38) ****-
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
7. Firestarter
FLV: (1:44) youtube
FLV: (2:05) youtube
8. Run With The Wolves (4:28)
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
9. Voodoo People
FLV: (3:30) youtube
FLV: (0:43) youtube ***
10.Invaders Must Die (3:55)
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost
11.Diesel Power (2:47)
FLV: youtube
11.Diesel Power (3:23) ****
FLV: youtube
12.Smack My Bitch Up (5:17)
FLV: youtube
13.Your Love/Out of Space
FLV: (4:40) youtube
FLV: (4:56) youtube
14.Comanche (2:48)
FLV: youtube
MP3: rghost


Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 7825


Слушаю Вас внимательно.

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 10319

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #1
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рогатый испечёт яблочный пирожок

Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 987



Skype: aliceradiation
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 1806

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #2
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очередная бомбА 


9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #3
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А может и жопу покажет! Короче, всё-что угодно, кроме нормальных записей новых трэков и NEW Mix-ов! 

Форумный Маньяк
Рейтинг: 589


let no one take it

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 763

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #4
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наверное Black Smoke или что-то из альбома. обещано 5 новых трэков во время тура, видимо каждый день по 1.

Gay Reaper
Житель Форума
Рейтинг: 143


Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 506

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #5
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вот зачем нужен ЕР - дабы хоть как-то частично сохранить некоторые треки из альбома до его выхода
*Хотелось бы "Черный Дым" или "Цвета"

Gay Reaper
Житель Форума
Рейтинг: 143


Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 506

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #6
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чо там, буржуи ща бухаюд а патом спадь?

P.S. Bloody Hell you know...

Форумный Маньяк
Рейтинг: 589


let no one take it

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 763

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #7
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Отчет JimbQ / Brainkiller

I just got back, MAN what i night! expected setlist, but still amazing, from what i can remember:

Fight like apes came on, they were shit, they got soaked in beer and everyone hated them haha!

This is how close i was Very Happy

The Prodigy eventually came on, they played the intro then WOF which went down amazing, i'm surprised at how many people knew the words, everyone was singin along. its changed a bit, when it gets to that plinky plonky bit where it gets higher, thats done a few times in a row, then maxim scream "too close! your too close!". then came their law i think, followed by breathe, the dupstep mix of it was FUCKING ace!!!! i'd happily have that replace breathe in the setlist, no questions asked!

then omen (my highlight of the night) awesome track, worked really well and was about a minute longer than the recording of it that was shown on here not long ago. errrrrrm, then spitfire came on, followed by warriors dance. warriors dance was pure awesome! maxim pointed and circled about 15 people (me and pyro included) saying "You are my warriors!" but when the track was coming to an end i fainted!!! hahah, i was right at the front with pyro (nice to meet you by the way dude) i have no idea what happened, everything went white, i was lifted over the barrier then i woke up with red cross people surrounding me hahahahaha. that fucked me off!!! i missed firestarter and then cuz i was out the back, (everything was still crystal clear) i heard run with the wolves (i've changed my mind on this track, i fuckin love it, way better than firestarter Very Happy)

errrrrrrm, then i think voodoo people came on, then there was a break, for the encore, it was diesel power, smack my bitch up, your love intro to out of space and then comanche! fuckin weird track but amazing, to me it sounded like a real heavy reggae or beach party song haha, no idea how to explain it. poison wasnt played which i found odd, but ah well. great night!

i waited outside to see keith maxim and liam, then jiltedgenerator came up to me and told me kieth had just gone, so i missed him, maxim drove past so didnt get a chance to speak to him, then me and my mates waited about 30-40mins after jiltedgenerator went to see liam but we gave up, too fuckin cold to wait any longer. we jumped in a taxi, head off, then out comes a merc with liam in! FUCKSAKE! ah well, there will be other times i'm sure. my ears are ringing still, so thats a good sign, and i bought 3 tshirts, which i've took pictures of, the one on the left is the back of the shirt and says "The Prodigy" on the front.


Отчет Frequen-Cee / nekosite forum

World's On Fire
A good solid banging tune which goes down really well with crowd - becoming more and more recognisable now.  A lot of the gig recordings (including my own) don't do the track justice - you need to hear all the bass with it.

Breathe Dubstep
A much more chilled version of the track; more of a head nodder than a jump-around-like-a-loon style.  But still retains the punchy beats.

At about 135bpm, you can easily tell why this has been selected as the new single.  Both (I think) Keith and Maxim on vocals - very catchy with vocal lines like "The writing's on the wall, it won't go away" and some really good 'drop the bomb' moments.

This went down really well with the crowd and, for me, was up there with personal favourites of the night.

Warrior's Dance
Most have heard this now; very catchy and again, needs to be heard with all the bass and trimmings.  It's not a tune that induces the 'pogo' effect like SMBU and the like.  It's not as hard as Omen, but it's really funky and shows elements of the old skool vibe more than most of the new stuff we've head.  A good tune to dance to.

Run Like The Wolves
This is basically a wall of fucking noise - but good noise.  But it shows the depth and variety of the new album with a punk-like edge with the toughened up beats.  A lot of good 'drop the bomb' moments.

Invaders Must Die
I'm not the biggest fan of this track but it works okay live.  I'm still of the opinion that this and Mescaline should swap places in B-Side status.

The intro is a real throw-back to the mid-90's rave scene with the synthy string riffs.  It's quite minimal and short (at around two and a half minutes) and not hard to see why it hasn't made it to the album.  That isn't to say it isn't good, but consider it more of how The Trick is to Breathe.  If anything, it sounds more like a track Liam had been buggering around with for a few hours - although it is pretty darned funky

I'll be honest, I heard IMD and started getting worried - but after hearing some of the other new tracks my faith is well and truly restored.


Отчет evans / brainkiller

Anyways, my day was awesome, had a lot f fun before the gig ... didnt actually get inside the venue til late! figh like apes were almost done when i got in, new merchandise is niiiiiiice (got white T with purple snake design and soem dogtags )
Setlist same as glasgow, Worlds On Fire has been mixed about with, and it is niiiiiiiiiiiiiice, dubstep mix of breathe is damn good, maxim does a lil dance across the stage quality... Omen, oh my days so good, stillcant make out the lyrics gonna make an awesome single and people already knew the "the writings on the wall it wont go away" lyrics... their law went down amazing, massive cheers when it started and the crowd never stopped moving... warriors dance awesome as ever... Firestarter sent the crowds nuts,... Run With The Wolves, fucking killer tune!... Voodoo People had the crowd going mad and singing along, all good.... IMD (think this was different from the Liverpool gig) it works sooooo well live and the crowd knew the lyrics ... Diesel Power god damn, the bass was fucking unreal.... Your Love/OOS massive cheer when You Love started and that got louder once oos started :D.... Then came Comanche what a tune WHAT A TUNE! bass is something else had my ears go all funny haha Keith does a funny dance to this like an Indian rain dance fucking quality.... Quality gig, 10/10 has made the wait for the album even worse

кому надо - переводите. в принципе все как вчера. трэклист и пару замечаний про длительность трэков отравил в первый пост. остальное - эмоции. учите инглиш!


9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #8
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объясните что за "pogo"-эффект в треке SMBU о котором говорит JimbQ в своём отчёте

Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 1418


Pr-YПросто клас, Кейт жмёт на своём мопеде 220КМ\ч

TITUS http://www.titus.kz/?page=himic 228620473
Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 3059

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #9
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А инчё не понятно (((

Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 987



Skype: aliceradiation
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 1806

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #10
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orangefox спасибо ))) смысл ясен

Форумный Маньяк
Рейтинг: 223


Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 668

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #11
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этож команч

Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 4798


Deefrex: 80 (обещал докинуть еще)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 6085

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #12
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Омен - 135 бит в минуту, это давольно энергично. Для сравнения Пойзон - 104 бит в минуту, Ноу Гуд - 154.

Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 987



Skype: aliceradiation
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 1806

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #13
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гдето говорилось , что альбом будет от 150 битов в минуту, кажется Лиам говорил

Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 4798


Deefrex: 80 (обещал докинуть еще)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 6085

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #14
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слышу звон, да не знаю где он

Василий Николаевич
не иначе, как
Бог Форума
Рейтинг: 1123


I say - evolve

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 2139

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #15
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Майка чёрная прикольная.

Рейтинг: 63



crimea music portal 226871429
Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 92

9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birgmingham
Ответ #16
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оформление футбоки по центру порадовало! наверняка "позаимствовано" с комикса...если оформление альбома будет в таком стиле будет очень атмосферно, а только я заметил на фотке сцены что там сверху висят какието дикарации похожие на головы роботов?? или я чето не так понял...)

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Форум фанов Prodigy  |  О The Prodigy  |  Обсуждение выступлений (Модераторы: yavadust, Рошаль К.)

Тема: 9.12.2008 @ Carling Academy, Birmingham