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Тема: Live @Birmingham'04



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Live @Birmingham'04
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ждем отчетов с концерта и известий о ремиксе на "Файер"

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In Liam We Trust

In Liam We Trust 121651521
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Live @Birmingham'04 [02.12.04]
Ответ #1
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Этой ночью был гиг. Отчетов пока нет.

1. Был сыгран новый Firestarter. Рулит. Новая гитара. Кейт все так же на вокалах... хотя некоторые пишут, что он еще не совсем доработан.

2. Новые треки рулят. the_click-у наиболее понравился тот, на которой Maxim и Keith вокалят оба

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Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 1987

Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #2
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Вот, пожалуйста, отчёт с Brainkiller'а:

03.12.2004 - Posted by Frequen-Cee


  I arrived at the Carling Academy venue around 20:25 so I'd already missed (at a guess) an hour and a half of support bands, with only half an hour to go before The Prodigy. This however, was unbeknown to me at time since I was expecting the band to come on around midnight and had prepared myself for at least a three hour wait - bonus!

  Youth Of Britain, the support act before The Prodigy, I thought were okay, but nothing special. The last track they played featured a video of a cat riding a bike (bizzarely as it sounds) and did actually succeed in getting a small section of the crowd moving - if only for the briefest of moments. The DJ that came on afterwards played a selection of big beat tracks, including one that 'borrowed' the Outer Space vocals which really got everyone chanting along.

  Afterwards, a cutain came down to reveal Liam's Korg and W-30 and a glow-in-the-dark Apple Mac symbol on the back of his laptop (featuring the words 'Liam Lives 'Ere' slapped on the back). This was soon followed by the Wake Up Intro - and suddenly the crowd sparked into life. As soon as Wake Up Call came on everybody went nuts and before the track ended I somehow found myself near to front of the stage without really trying to get there!

  Immediately following Wake Up Call came Their Law. As you'd have guessed, the crowd went absolutely mental! Now, I've seen several gigs before on video and always wondered why the crowd stopped jumping halfway through the opening beats - but now I understand why.......

  The heat in place must have risen by several degrees and even after just two minutes of Their Law I found myself completely knackered and sweating like I'd just run a marathon. Fortunately, security were handing out cups of water to the crowd, which was gladly received by one and all.

  Now, unfortunately the exact tracklisting escapes me somewhat, but there was a noticeable difference in the crowd reaction when comparing the old stuff to the new tracks.

  Spitfire was received well and during this track I made eye contact with Keith - it was wicked shouting the vocals at him as he threw his head down whenever the main kick drum blasted from the speakers. A lot of points during the gig he looked completely knackered, sweating more than what a lot of the crowd were!

  Anyone suffering from epilespy would have ended up a severe attack during Breathe - maybe the lighting guy jammed the strobe lighting button down or something, but anyhow, it rocked the place; people jumped and shouted away. One of the highlights of the gig.

  Girls sounded great, but More Girls completely tore it apart and just generally sounded a lot beefier and heavier.

  There were a few new tracks that Liam played, but these were not so well received - during a couple of the tracks the crowd was pretty static throughout. But to me some sounded a bit too 'samey' with nothing that really stood out - in fact, they felt more like B-Side material than anything else. I knew Warning from previous gig recordings, but this just felt like another track for Keith to sing as a result of boredom from one-to-many Firestarter outings.

  Back To School really did hit home though with a much more positive crowd response. The vocals were something along the lines of 'gonna take you back to school, and teach you how to build bombs!' Very heavy beats, sounding even better on the sound system.

  I remember reading a message on the official site where Liam mentioned that he'd written the fastest track that he'd done with Maxim on vocals. I think this was played, but again, it sounded quite stale and didn't really hit the mark. I remember thinking to myself 'Liam, look at the crowd! Give them something old to chew on!' In this case, although the track was fast, the beat structure didn't really reflect this and made it sound slower than it actually was.

  The Firestarter remix began in the usual way, but the beats started a bit slower which threw a lot of people to begin with, before suddenly hitting home with the traditional hard and manic beat which got everyone going once again. The structure of the track was noticeably different, with a few added guitar riffs and re-structured vocals, making it difficult to sing along to - but still a great version.

  The Way It Is felt more like a breather, with people dancing rather than just jumping hell for leather, with Liam chucking in a few Thriller samples for good measure.

  At one point, Liam played the Climbatize Horns, which to me indicated an intro to some of the more older stuff, and I was proven to be right.

  Mindfields got everybody moving again and sounded great - I actually came round to really appreciating a lot of the tracks more than I had done before, simply because of them being wacked through a massive sound system!

  After this, they left stage before briefly returning for an encore, with Liam launching into an intro before playing Poison. At one point here Liam played a brief section of his Method Man remix (I think it's that one) before following up with Smack My Bitch Up. This, together with Their Law and Poison, were the big hitters of the night and gained the most of the 'pogo-effect' from the crowd.

  All in all, a great night - my only disappointment was some of the new tracks that didn't really hit as hard as I thought they would, with the older classics still winning the day.

Ross (Frequen-Cee

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Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #3
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ждём отчета от Неко
и перевода


Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #4
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НОВЫЙ FIRESTARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ЕС! ЕС! ЕС!!!
i'm happy...

Бог Форума
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Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 1987

Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #5
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Да, крутой

Бог Форума
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Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 1987

Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #6
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крутой новый Firestarter и очень крутой Back to School, который сыграли
лучше, чем в предыдущие выступления!!! :-000

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Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #7
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Наконец я вижу настоящий английский в отчёте

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Re:Live @Birmingham'04 [02.12.04]
Ответ #8
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Круто... Но я, честно говоря, надеюсь что Firestarter не сильно изменился.

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http://elmusique.nm.ru 425358378
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Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #9
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Я бы перевёл, но мне почему-то сразу вспоминается Hotrider 

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In Liam We Trust

In Liam We Trust 121651521
Пол: Мужчина
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Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #10
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Кстати, а куда делся Hotrider. Он в аське уже месяц не появляется...

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Skype: ysop
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Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #11
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Улетел на эйр баллуне

Tex Avery
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Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #12
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Когда-то Лиам говорил, что они никогда не хотели возвращаться к старым работам, поэтому никогда не делали ремиксов на старые работы, а тут на тебе, я офигеваю.


Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #13
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ёпта. чего тут непонятного?

они не хотят играть старые вещи, поэтому делают на них ремиксы
они не возвращаются к старым трекам (они же не собираются их выпускать!!)

они делают своевременное звучание треков

Tex Avery
Дед TheProdigy.ru
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Brutal, Savage, Rekt.

Skype: texter
Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 11434

Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #14
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А теперь ещё раз прочитай предыдущий пост и вникни в каждое слово !

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Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #15
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Новый Firestarter? Что может быть круче..
Надеюсь будет студийная версия 

Дед TheProdigy.ru
Дед TheProdigy.ru
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Skype: ysop
Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 14778

Re:Live @Birmingham'04
Ответ #16
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конечно не будет

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Тема: Live @Birmingham'04