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Тема:  Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)

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   Автор  Тема: Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)  (Просмотрено 146025 раз)
are we here? (criminal justice bill?)

Редактировал афишу helicopter techno

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(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

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Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #935
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Hey Everyone, not sure if anyone had noticed but we past 5000 members recently, and we have been growing in numbers very fast in the last few months. I think it's great to see so many new people in here. Some fresh blood.
Seeing as it's cropped up recently I thought I'd get an announcement up relating to the OMT group that I run as I'm sure this might interest a lot of the newbies who might not know about it.
OMT is Orbital Music Tribe. This is a members only group for people who wish to discuss the music of Orbital live experiences, etc. We also take live audio broadcasts of Orbital sets and clean them up and remaster them and we create artwork for each release and then put them out for the group. The main OMT releases are for good quality audio recordings (radio broadcasts, TV broadcasts, soundboards, web streams, etc). In the last few years we have started doing some videos (OMT-V) and we also have another side project going on with OLA (Orbital Live Archive). This is for rougher, lower quality live bootlegs (audience recordings, lower quality soundboards/web streams, etc) and for the original sources for the OMT releases.
I will post links to my dropbox folders for all the releases in seperate comments below. I will also post links to my YouTube channel and my Mixcloud page which have other Orbital related audios & videos.
But also request to join the group to get all the updates.
Sorry also as a side note...I am in the process of updating a lot of the earlier OMT releases with streamlined info notes that match later releases, renamed tracks jusification for consistancy, some adjusted track marking, some early double CD shows having their fade tracks put back together for continuous playback on computers and fully updated metadata/tags for every track. So be aware if downloading some early releases I may have updated versions some time later this year.

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(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #936
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The Naked and the Dead
The Naked and the Dub
Walk Now

Участник Форума
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(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #937
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michazoid: Art это конечно хорошо... Музяка будет добавлена?
zenco: Поправил. Спасибо.
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(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #938
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Участник Форума
Рейтинг: 455


(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #939
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USB rubber wristband with the Orbital logo on it, containing a MiniSD memory card with the full live show in MP3 format.
Available on the night of the gig at the venue.
Recorded as one continuous track.

Orbital ‎– 19th September 2009, Manchester Academy, England

michazoid: SLY: здесь качество, похоже, получше - у тебя 224 kbps, но по факту 128 kbps (похоже на рип с саундклауд)
здесь удалось вытащить 255 kbps VBR 48 kHz, похоже на реальный mp3 с браслета
zenco: Я и забыл что ты уже выкладывал. А других лайвов с этой серии нет?
У меня ссылку с меги не открывает почемуто
michazoid: zenco: Ссыль рабочая, продублировал в личку
другие лайвы из британского тура 2009 не попадались, хотя недавно на дискогсе появились Manchester 18.09.2009, Newcastle 21.09.2009, Brixton 24.09.2009 и Brixton 25.09.2009
может и всплывут...
Бог Форума
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Prodigy просто класс

Сообщений: 1458

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #940
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а шо там за ост форсят сча?

Житель Форума
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Skype: michazoid
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Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #941
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Житель Форума
Рейтинг: 1240


Electronic Punk from the city of Gorlovka, Donbass

https://vk.com/dmitriy_minchenko http://www.instagram.com/dmitriy_minchenko/ 380713768948 Skype: minicapone
Пол: Мужчина
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Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #942
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Атмосферный видеоклип 

Бог Форума
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554009916 Skype: utx
Пол: Мужчина
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Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #943
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когда уже альбом ремиксом релизнут?

Житель Форума
Рейтинг: 917


Skype: michazoid
Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 410

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #944
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Бог Форума
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Флуд в подписи

Пол: Мужчина
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Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #945
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Участник Форума
Рейтинг: 455


(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #946
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What Happens Next? 2021/2022

michazoid: если я правильно понял, пока планируется орбитал 30 - в октябре (с многоожидаемыми всеми РЭМИКСАМИ! ), а где-то в феврале - новый альбом
P.S.: про рэмиксы - ВИА не упоминалось 
NASCARFan: как я мечтаю о переиздании первого альбома со всем треклистом и со всеми бонусами
SLY: Новые релизы и фесты всегда в радость. Особенно приятно, когда уже и не ждёшь особо, а тут прямо зачастили - если альбом, конечно, выдадут. Посмотрим, послушаем. Не так уже жду новые треки, если честно - последние релизы практически не переслушиваю,
но Орбитал - большая часть моей жизни, и хочется просто порадоваться за братишек, что ещё стараются выдавать годный стафф.
zenco: SLY, подписуюсь под каждым твоим словом)
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Skype: michazoid
Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 410

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #947
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Участник Форума
Рейтинг: 455


(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #948
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'By the end of the book, I fully expect that to many people I'm going to look like a right ***t.' Paul Hartnoll, Orbital
The Gallagher brothers of the rave scene, Paul and Phil Hartnoll together make Orbital - one of the biggest-selling and most recognisable techno acts on the planet. They have sold millions of albums, played to an audience of 10 million people at the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympics, and headlined their 'spiritual home' on The Other Stage at Glastonbury Festival three times. Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis even credits their first headline, in 1994, as almost singlehandedly bringing rave to the masses. Between them Phil and Paul have survived addictions, tragedy and marriages, plus two splits and reunions.
Now, on the 30th anniversary of the debut single that launched them to fame, Orbital are telling this extraordinary and explosive story for the first time. Alongside the pioneering music, the Hartnoll's tale is about brotherhood, and like most brothers they are as often at war as peace. No matter how bitterly they fight and deeply they resent each other, however, their shared history has forged an us-against-the-world bond that only they themselves can break. Which they do. Often.
Halcyon and On and On rivals the greatest rock 'n' roll stories, but without any actual rock 'n' roll. Their biggest problem, however, is that they both remember most of their history rather differently...


zenco: Hardcover – 5 Aug. 2021
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Рейтинг: 455


(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #949
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Участник Форума
Рейтинг: 455


(-_-)O R B I T A L(-_-)

Пол: Мужчина
Сообщений: 186

Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #950
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RELEASED! OMT059 - Sónar Festival 1999.
Here we have a really great recording that we got hold of recently (thanks Ivan Corrochano)
which is most of the set as a direct source from the Spanish radio station, RNE (not a broadcast).
We completed the set (the last three tracks) with an old broadcast that I had.
There are some amazing versions of tracks here.
The opening section of Way Out/SPE/Impact is incredible and the version of Nothing Left
is one of the best we have recordings of. Some great stereo effects in this recording too.
We've done a lot of work brightening the recording as it was a little dull and lifeless but Bill has again done some great work
with the source recording. Anyhow, have a listen and enjoy.


Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)
Ответ #951
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Orbital - In Sides (Internal - TRULP 10, 828 763-1, Vinyl, 1996)

// винилрип с неразделёнными на части "The Box" и "Out There Somewhere?"; FLAC 24/96

A. The Girl With The Sun In Her Head
B. P.E.T.R.O.L.
C. The Box
D. Dŵr Budr
E. Adnan's
F. Out There Somewhere?

Линидж см. в файле "Info.txt"

Orbital - The Box (EP, Internal - LIECD 30, 850 579.2, CD, 1996)

FLAC + Log (100%) + Cue (см. всё в архиве)

1. The Box (Edit)
2. The Box: #2
3. The Box: #3
4. The Box: #4 (Feat. Grant Fulton & Alison Goldfrapp)

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Тема:  Orbital (Long Range, Paul Hartnoll)