Тема: Artcoustic chosen by The Prodigy (Просмотрено 875 раз)
Artcoustic chosen by The Prodigy
# 11 августа 2009, 03:41:13
Artcoustic chosen by The Prodigy

Invaders Must Die, the latest album by The Prodigy, was written, recorded and mixed on the Artcoustic Spitfire Monitors and Spitfire Subwoofers. Critics have labelled it a return to form, with it going straight in at number 1 around the world.
The Spitfire Monitors are used in recording studios for their accurate response (+/- 2db 35Hz-40kHz), dynamic performance and compact dimensions. For The Prodigy, Spitfire Subwoofers were also used to give the system the power needed to recreate the energy of their latest work. The Spitfire Monitors and Subwoofers are regularly used in dedicated cinema room installations, and they translate perfectly to this application. They are on permanent demonstration in our showroom.
Liam Howlett uses Artcoustic Spitfire Monitors and Subwoofers in the studio, and DF100-75 with DFS100-75 at home.
The Spitfire Monitor is technically the same speaker as the award-winning and more domestically acceptable DF75-55
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а Максим - крем для обуви 
А фото вроде бы старое, не? Ощущение, что видел его здесь явно раньше до imd
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