Вот какое письмо я вчера получил от группы через саундклауд:
"Thanks ever so much for taking part & submitting your L.A.F.S. remix, the quality has been outstanding & we’re overawed by how goddamn clever you are achieving mixes like this, totally amazing : )
OK, what we’d like to do besides streaming the best remixes on our website is to include some of our favourite mixes on a special cd-r which we’d like to giveaway at future gigs, are you OK with this? All remixers will get fully credited for their work for all to see.
Really hoping you’re cool with this & we look forward to choosing our faves in the next week or so to include on our little L.A.F.S. remix cd-r.
Thanks & love,
Mitch & Ad"
В двух словах я выиграл конкурс и они будут раздавать сидиэрки с своими песнями+мой ремикс. Satisfied