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Тема: Exclusive 2014 Canadian tour (28.02-22.03) (Просмотрено 764 раз)
Exclusive 2014 Canadian tour (28.02-22.03)
# 21 октября 2013, 11:54:33
Canada will host electronic royalty in 2014 as the illustrious, renowned, and enigmatic British band The Prodigy have announced an exclusive Canadian 2014 tour . In conjunction with ONE NIGHT WITH™, The Prodigy will take a pause from working on their newest album How To Steal A Jetfighter to rock the Great White North on an exclusive tour from February 28th to March 22nd. The Prodigy will not play in any other nation until their official world tour 4 month later, because they (rightly) think Canadian fans rock. Official city locations and dates have yet to be revealed, but rest assured, The Prodigy will play Montreal.
Montreal, and Canada at large, is in for an epic treat when The Prodigy graces Canadian stages. The rest of the world will have to wait until June 8th 2014, when The Prodigy ventures on their global tour. Feel privileged Canadians, we get a taste of the newest musical creations from electronic and rock legends, with the rest of the world excluded. MTL Blog will keep you in the loop with the latest updates info on The Prodigy’s exclusive Canadian tour, and let you know exactly when they’ll be in Montreal. |
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