Последний автор: Рошаль К.
Тема: 28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia (Просмотрено 66096 раз)
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
# 22 октября 2014, 14:05:16
The Prodigy will be back at Future Music Festival, Australia in 2015
Tickets go on sale 30th October - Tickets
• Sydney · SAT 28 FEB · Royal Randwick Racecourse
• Perth · SUN 1 MAR · Arena Joondalup
• Brisbane · SAT 7 MAR · Brisbane Showgrounds
• Melbourne · SUN 8 MAR · Flemington Racecourse
• Adelaide · MON 9 MAR · Adelaide Showground
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
Ответ #1 23 октября 2014, 11:21:53
Australia we are coming! Get ready for the new beats (Instagram)
Future Music Festival 2015 - First Round Announcement
Keeti Palmer
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
Ответ #4 09 декабря 2014, 19:50:15
13.03.2015 - Future Music Festival,Changi Exhibition Centre,Singapore
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
Ответ #6 27 февраля 2015, 21:29:12
а мне вот интересно, как группа будет выглядеть.. и как Максимыч будет разукрашивать свой фэйс в новой эре
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
Ответ #8 28 февраля 2015, 12:30:50
Макс с бородой
Igor X
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
Ответ #9 28 февраля 2015, 13:13:51
Сделайте перевод интервью, есть что интересное?
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
Ответ #12 28 февраля 2015, 13:38:16
English electronica heroes The Prodigy recently sat down with Music Feeds at the Sydney leg of Future Music Festival 2015, to talk through the group’s illustrious career, performing new tunes for Aussie fans and what’s behind their forthcoming album, The Day Is My Enemy.
Discussing his recent comments on the world’s “really lazy” DJs, The Prodigy’s main man Liam Howlett said it’s not the only thing which has inspired the group’s next album.
“It’s just a view, and subject matter for some venomous lyrics, and to me, a good laugh… For music to be taken seriously, we can’t have people just bringing usb sticks and plugging them in and just playing pre-mixed shit, that’s not on… The album’s about us, our struggles, that’s where the anger and the energy comes [from].”
The boys also discussed their forthcoming Sydney headline show. “It’s an opportunity to play some more new songs, because when we play Future we’ve only got a certain amount of time they allow us to play for,” Howlett said.
“So when we do a solo show, we can play for longer and throw in some more new music that people haven’t heard before.”
Источник: Первое интервью в Австралии )
Foo Fighter
28.02/1.03/7.03/8.03/9.03.2015 - Future Music Festival, Australia
Ответ #15 28 февраля 2015, 14:04:08
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