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Последний автор: Keeti Palmer
Тема: Live @ Luzhniki Palace Of Sports, Moscow, Russia (19.06.2005) (Просмотрено 10326 раз)
Wake Up Intro
Wake Up Call
Their Law
First Warning (Beta)
Wooo Link
*John Ottman - Payback Time (aka Space Intro)
Spitfire ('05 Version)
Voodoo People ('05 Version)
Back 2 Skool ('05 Live Edit)
Hotride ('05 Live Remix)
Firestarter ('05 Remix)
Action Radar Link (Beta)
Climbatize (Horn Link)
Out Of Space ('05 Live Edit)
Method Beats (Ver#3)
Smack My Bitch Up Редактировал афишу ЛОЕМ
Live @ Luzhniki Palace Of Sports, Moscow, Russia (19.06.2005)
# 18 октября 2008, 18:08:57
Автор записи - Vader
Во время съёмки камера очень тряслась, но это единственная видеозапись концерта в хорошем качестве. Не были засняты Release Yo' Delf Link и Smack My Bitch Up из-за нехватки места на MiniDV-кассете. Аудиодорожка на видео задействована из отдельной аудиозаписи ниже.
01. Wake Up Intro
02. Wake Up Call
03. Their Law
04. Fill
05. Warning
06. Space Fill
07. Breathe
08. Spitfire
09. Voodoo People
10. Back 2 Skool
11. Hotride (Passenger Mix)
12. Firestarter
13. Action Radar Link
14. Climbatize Horns
15. Mindfields
16. Out Of Space
16.1. Encore Break
17. Poison
Формат: AVI
Видео: DivX 5, 704x528, 25 fps, 1420 kbps, Progressive (прогрессивное)
Аудио: MP3, 44.1 kHz, stereo, 320 kbps

Автор записи - maxx
Звук в оригинале был ужасен, к тому же ещё и в mono. Видео снято на мыльный цифровой фотоаппарат времён 2005 года, отсюда и качество видео соответствующее, но это единственная для нас возможность увидеть Smack My Bitch Up с данного концерта. Аудиодорожка на видео задействована из отдельной аудиозаписи ниже.
Smack My Bitch Up
Формат: MKV
Видео: MJPG, 320x240, 15 fps, 1778 kbps, Progressive (прогрессивное)
Аудио: MP3, 44.1 kHz, stereo, 320 kbps

Скачать Аудио
Автор записи - Felix
"Breath, Moscow, Breath!"
Venue: Luzhniki Sports Palace: Moscow, Russia
Date: June 19, 2005
Time: 73:20
Size: 1 CD
Taper: Felix (www.bootlegs.ws)
Lineage: SONY MZ-R909 & SONY ECM-719 mic -> Adobe Audition 1.5 -> Normalize & some minor editing -> Feurio! -> wav -> FLAC 8 -> you
Sound: B+, Master
Notes: What can be said here - I like most of the good ol' Prodigy and after the Moscow show at the Red Square back
in the end of 90s which I almost skipped, I was looking for this 2005 show, and of course I was expecting more than
75 mins set. Anyways, the venue was PACKED, not like when Rammstein first played there, but almost like that. People
were raving/dancing/shouting/screaming like mad, and that's understandable. The band was great live, Maxim interacted
with the crowd a lot, unlike Keith who, on the top of everything, left the stage for the last 3-4 songs, which was
weird. Anyways, the quality of the recording is nice one, except for 1 moment. I was sitting to the left of the stage,
due to overly-priced floor tix, and there was a ...BITCH (sorry for this but i don't have any other words to describe her),
who was constantly screaming behind me, I wore earplugs due to very loud sound, and even with them my ears overloaded with
her yelling! I wish I was not recording 'cause I'd have "persuade" her not to. Anyways, those screams are almost at the
beginning of every song...Anyways, great show and great crowd that reacted to every single note the band played.
Especially great is the chanting during "Out of Space".
I know that this will transferred into mp3 cause many people disrespect taper's wishes but i know many people would enjoy it in lossless.
This recording is for them! And especially for Ernesto (lovetown)! Enjoy!
1. Intro
2. Wake Up Intro
3. Wake Up Call
4. Their Law
5. Warning
6. Breathe
7. Spitfire
8. Voodoo People
9. Back to School
10. Hotride (The Passenger Mix)
11. Firestarter (remix)
12. Action Radar / Climbatize Intro
13. Mindfields
14. Out of Space
15. Poison /w Release Yo'Delf Drums
16. Smack My Bitch Up
*********************************************** |
01. Wake Up Intro
02. Wake Up Call
03. Their Law
04. Fill
05. Warning
06. Space Fill
07. Breathe
08. Spitfire
09. Voodoo People
10. Back 2 Skool
11. Hotride (Passenger Mix)
12. Firestarter
13. Action Radar Link
14. Climbatize Horns
15. Mindfields
16. Out Of Space
16.1. Encore Break
17. Poison
18. Release Yo' Delf Link
19. Smack My Bitch Up
MP3 (320 kbps)
FLAC, lossless
Live @ Luzhniki Palace Of Sports, Moscow, Russia (19.06.2005)
Ответ #5 16 апреля 2009, 13:24:07
где то есть моя не особо хорошая, в двух частях. но тем не менее.
залей на народ
А это у всех или только у меня то что звук опаздывает сильно
у всех
Live @ Luzhniki Palace Of Sports, Moscow, Russia (19.06.2005)
Ответ #6 24 апреля 2009, 22:10:43
Еси че я там перед камерой с рогами прыгаю 
Live @ Luzhniki Palace Of Sports, Moscow, Russia (19.06.2005)
Ответ #8 27 июля 2009, 00:59:17
у меня есть два небольших видео нарезка трека Smack My Bitch Up с этого концерта, если найду у себя, выложу.
Live @ Luzhniki Palace Of Sports, Moscow, Russia (19.06.2005)
Ответ #10 03 августа 2009, 13:25:16
FLAC Level 8; Длительность: 1:13:22.987
Любительская запись; качество 3/5
Хэш сумма:
Track No01.flac:eb3181b0f6fb301111a4c2d40a2828c6
Track No02.flac:9d4f812612b06955bf58b6ade5ec22b1
Track No03.flac:1edcfc2b89952810e1d67851e97f2600
Track No04.flac:b245c283de33ca7376213be94d4f5275
Track No05.flac:dbf9b421d7bfba6fc8daa7cc79ab3fa7
Track No06.flac:4132f70914c01a9eb717f80c2f2d7db3
Track No07.flac:601ef5fa37b4486696d75310b2c9a25d
Track No08.flac:2f1130930c206bab55b70cd558096184
Track No09.flac:d5bfddfe8bddcd4fd19d745ea4f3fd02
Track No10.flac:b59556970ec05f2626b91eb03ff7973e
Track No11.flac:08e24029b54e24db7f0882ab017d5d43
Track No12.flac:be413ec47cbf869bf30f9473b39ec581
Track No13.flac:d717169c790fb27d17903907f9c3f3b8
Track No14.flac:9e0de540dc166c235a2ea5e996542d93
Track No15.flac:ea94e170013b61f225c1c47d0e3f66ad
Track No16.flac:3e8f136fc223e0ec65602aab58d5de62 |
"Breath, Moscow, Breath!"
Venue: Luzhniki Sports Palace: Moscow, Russia
Date: June 19, 2005
Time: 73:20
Size: 1 CD
Taper: Felix (www.bootlegs.ws)
Lineage: SONY MZ-R909 & SONY ECM-719 mic -> Adobe Audition 1.5 -> Normalize & some minor editing -> Feurio! -> wav -> FLAC 8 -> you
Sound: B+, Master
Notes: What can be said here - I like most of the good ol' Prodigy and after the Moscow show at the Red Square back
in the end of 90s which I almost skipped, I was looking for this 2005 show, and of course I was expecting more than
75 mins set. Anyways, the venue was PACKED, not like when Rammstein first played there, but almost like that. People
were raving/dancing/shouting/screaming like mad, and that's understandable. The band was great live, Maxim interacted
with the crowd a lot, unlike Keith who, on the top of everything, left the stage for the last 3-4 songs, which was
weird. Anyways, the quality of the recording is nice one, except for 1 moment. I was sitting to the left of the stage,
due to overly-priced floor tix, and there was a ...BITCH (sorry for this but i don't have any other words to describe her),
who was constantly screaming behind me, I wore earplugs due to very loud sound, and even with them my ears overloaded with
her yelling! I wish I was not recording 'cause I'd have "persuade" her not to. Anyways, those screams are almost at the
beginning of every song...Anyways, great show and great crowd that reacted to every single note the band played.
Especially great is the chanting during "Out of Space".
I know that this will transferred into mp3 cause many people disrespect taper's wishes but i know many people would enjoy it in lossless.
This recording is for them! And especially for Ernesto (lovetown)! Enjoy!
1. Intro
2. Wake Up Intro
3. Wake Up Call
4. Their Law
5. Warning
6. Breathe
7. Spitfire
8. Voodoo People
9. Back to School
10. Hotride (The Passenger Mix)
11. Firestarter (remix)
12. Action Radar / Climbatize Intro
13. Mindfields
14. Out of Space
15. Poison /w Release Yo'Delf Drums
16. Smack My Bitch Up
*********************************************** |
Track No01.flac
Track No02.flac
Track No03.flac
Track No04.flac
Track No05.flac
Track No06.flac
Track No07.flac
Track No08.flac
Track No09.flac
Track No10.flac
Track No11.flac
Track No12.flac
Track No13.flac
Track No14.flac
Track No15.flac
Track No16.flac
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