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Последний автор: Keeti Palmer
Тема: Музыкальное чтиво MTV (Россия) (Просмотрено 3201 раз)
Tex Avery
Блин, такая ностальгия, помню смотрели эту передачу по MTV с другом лет эдак 10 назад 
Bob Chipezka
Я уж думал не дождусь! Спасибо! С мтв есть еще что?
А чё за фильм собака мутант с Флинтом?
Спасибо за видео, респект шутникам за субтитры :), есть и довольно подтвержденные факты
А чё за фильм собака мутант с Флинтом?
| 100500 раз обсуждали
Mutant Dog (1996) was a video starred Keith Flint as a psychopathic newsreader, alongside Charlotte Coleman, who starred in Four Weddings And A Funeral. The film was also meant to feature 1996 live footage of the Prodigy from 'Breathe' tour at Brixton Academy. It also featured Boddingtons Bitter ad girl Melanie Sykes and Casualty's Lisa Coleman. The film was edited by Mark Reynolds, a former colleague of the band, who has videotaped many of their on-the-road-exploits and was responsible for the Prodigy long-form video, Electronic Punks, released with the band's approval. This was meant to be the second Prodigy video compilation (just like Electronic Punks). The film never got released; The Prodigy weren't happy with their friend for doing it, so it never happened. They really fell out about it, the guy saying he was quite upset about the Prodigy letting him down. It was a very cheap low-budget affair, with deliberate product-placement 'sponsorship' from the likes of Death Cigarettes, etc... "
Reynolds claimed he originally had permission from Liam to release the film and that two stills of Leeroy and Liam from it even featured on the cover of the band's last LP, 'The Fat Of The Land'.
Mark Reynolds: "If you look in their photo book, The Fat Of The Land, there are five pictures that are credited to the film. I'd worked with them on it for 18 months. We'd had meetings at Liam's house. I used a crew of 12 on the live stuff in Dublin so there's a lot of money at stake. I have a meeting planned with my lawyers."
"I had problems with XL over Electronic Punks," he said. "They just wanted a straight promo package and I gave them something more unusual. I don't know why they're trying to stop it now but they won't succeed. If it takes six months or six years, it will come out. "
Liam Howlett: "During 1994 and 1995, Mark Reynolds spent a good deal of time with the band shooting footage which eventually formed part of the 1995 video, Electronic Punks. Out of interest, we tentatively agreed to get involved with another of his projects but when we did the filming two years ago we felt uncomfortable and when we saw the results we didn't like them. "As we understand it, Mark Reynolds has now incorporated that footage into a larger project which he's calling Mutant Dogs. The band feel that it is unfair to sell this to Prodigy fans on the basis of some sketchy footage. It doesn't come up to an acceptable standard."
Reynolds believed that it was the band's label XL, rather than the Prodigy themselves, behind the blocking
Источник: http://theprodigy.info/facts/#mutant_dogs
Лаем, Кейт и Лерой

Как тебе такое, Елон Муск? ©
В общем, у одного человека нашёлся ещё "Smack My Bitch Up" (анвад (RuTracker) - спасибо ему)
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От него же ещё "Serial Thrila" (само собой, без копирайта Рошаля, но немного не с начала)
Рип / Исходник в MPG
Вопрос - у кого остались заливы Рошаля? У него на YouTube заблочили Breathe с Voodoo People. Хотелось бы найти их.
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