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Тема: The fat of the Land XLLP 121

Последний автор: Dmitriy_Minchenko
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   Автор  Тема: The fat of the Land XLLP 121  (Просмотрено 1228 раз)

The fat of the Land XLLP 121
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I found version of tfotl like in topic on http://home.tiscali.nl/prodigy/tracks.htm

it showes firestarter duration 6:29 and narayan duration 6:51...

is that some different version of tfotl or just website's admin put wrong durations of those tracks? 

Trim Silence
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The fat of the Land XLLP 121
Ответ #1
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The correct durations are 7.06 and 6.43
The durations from vinyl are different just because this tracks are on the different sides of the vinyl.
Narayan is not mixed with Narayan Beats Fill (but Firestatrer starts with it on the "D" side)

A][eL: о. а есть где полный рип скачать можно?
Trim Silence: ну я темы не нашел, поэтому создал её

The fat of the Land XLLP 121
Ответ #2
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i see, thanks for info 

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Тема: The fat of the Land XLLP 121