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Тема: Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса (Просмотрено 46815 раз)
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #1 29 декабря 2007, 14:33:16
Правда ли Keith Flint снимался в фильме ? Что то там про сумашедшего ...... 
Фильм называется "Собака-мутант", или типа того..........сам искал и нигде его не видел.....
ps Я на полном серьезе!!!
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #2 29 декабря 2007, 14:47:29
Mutant Dog (1996) was a video starred Keith Flint as a psychopathic newsreader, alongside Charlotte Coleman, who starred in Four Weddings And A Funeral. The film was also meant to feature 1996 live footage of the Prodigy from 'Breathe' tour at Brixton Academy. It also featured Boddingtons Bitter ad girl Melanie Sykes and Casualty's Lisa Coleman. The film was edited by Mark Reynolds, a former colleague of the band, who has videotaped many of their on-the-road-exploits and was responsible for the Prodigy long-form video, Electronic Punks, released with the band's approval. This was meant to be the second Prodigy video compilation (just like Electronic Punks). The film never got released; The Prodigy weren't happy with their friend for doing it, so it never happened. They really fell out about it, the guy saying he was quite upset about the Prodigy letting him down. It was a very cheap low-budget affair, with deliberate product-placement 'sponsorship' from the likes of Death Cigarettes, etc... "
Reynolds claimed he originally had permission from Liam to release the film and that two stills of Leeroy and Liam from it even featured on the cover of the band's last LP, 'The Fat Of The Land'.
Mark Reynolds: "If you look in their photo book, The Fat Of The Land, there are five pictures that are credited to the film. I'd worked with them on it for 18 months. We'd had meetings at Liam's house. I used a crew of 12 on the live stuff in Dublin so there's a lot of money at stake. I have a meeting planned with my lawyers."
"I had problems with XL over Electronic Punks," he said. "They just wanted a straight promo package and I gave them something more unusual. I don't know why they're trying to stop it now but they won't succeed. If it takes six months or six years, it will come out. "
Liam Howlett: "During 1994 and 1995, Mark Reynolds spent a good deal of time with the band shooting footage which eventually formed part of the 1995 video, Electronic Punks. Out of interest, we tentatively agreed to get involved with another of his projects but when we did the filming two years ago we felt uncomfortable and when we saw the results we didn't like them. "As we understand it, Mark Reynolds has now incorporated that footage into a larger project which he's calling Mutant Dogs. The band feel that it is unfair to sell this to Prodigy fans on the basis of some sketchy footage. It doesn't come up to an acceptable standard."
Взято с http://theprodigy.info/facts/ 
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #3 06 января 2013, 10:33:26

Producer/Director/Editor 85 minute 35 mm debut Feature Film. Banned for 10 years
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #4 06 января 2013, 12:32:58
что нашел я:
Профайл Mad Dog Films на Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadDogFilms
(c кучей фоток продиджи в виде скриншотов)
Заставка некого сайта с постером фильма (анимированная)
Профайл на youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TVBluesBerlin
(пока ничего интересного)
Подборка всех работ Марка: http://www.firsteight.de/reel.html?editor=78
еще одна статья о фильме:
35mm feature length film intended for theatrical and video release. 80% of the film is already shot and in post production.
Mutant Dog-A Life on the Run is a totally original concept in feature film production, incorporating drama, documentary, music promos and live performance and even corporate and commercial productions.
The film will feature The Prodigy in concert. One of the most original and controversial bands of the decade perform live on stage, including the No.1 singles 'Firestarter' and 'Breathe', in unique 35mm multi-camera footage captured during their latest British tour. The individual members of The Prodigy will also appear with cameo roles in the film.
The soundtrack to the film will be written and performed Liam Howlett of The Prodigy. This original composition will be available to buy as an album. There will be appearances by many well known actors and personalities such as Charlotte Coleman (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit), Lisa Coleman (Casualty), Sara Sugerman (Sid and Nancy, Straight To Hell), Michael Burn (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) and Anne Beach (Fresh Fields).
The film will include integrated 'commercials' for unique and innovative products such as 'The Stash Tray', and the hugely successful 'Death Cigarettes'.
Also featured are new and emerging bands such as 'The Frank Spencer Quartet' from New Orleans and 'Fifth Amendment' who are currently blasting the London gig scene with their raw techno punk sound.
The film is being produced independently by Mad Dog Films, the makers of 'Electronic Punks', last years No.1 selling music video release.
Mad Dog Films are currently seeking funds for the completion of the film. Any interested parties who may wish to take advantage of unique advertisement and product placement opportunities, or anyone requiring more information with a view to offering sponsorship, should contact us via the contact page.
и еще (оттуда же):
The film is the work of Mark Reynolds, who worked on Prodigy's long-form video, "Electronic Punks". He had planned to include 1996 live footage of The Prodigy in the new film, which was to have been premiered at the recent Cannes film festival. The legal row prevented that, but Reynolds insists that his work will eventually see the light of day. He told the Maker last week: "It's being dealt with by legal people at the moment. The only reason they've given is that the (live) footage is out of date, but everyone knows that if you're doing a feature film, by the time it gets to the screens, it's out of date. "The thing is, they ban everything. They try to get their own videos banned, and now they're trying to ban something which was approved by their management as the best live footage of them at the time. It's absoloutely fantastic, and it will be seen one day." XL Recordings responded: "Contrary to information which you may have recently received, Prodigy will not be appearing in the 'Mutant Dog' film which is being made by Mark Reynolds of Mad Dog Productions."
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #7 06 января 2013, 20:13:31
The film is the work of Mark Reynolds, who worked on Prodigy's long-form video, "Electronic Punks". He had planned to include 1996 live footage of The Prodigy in the new film, which was to have been premiered at the recent Cannes film festival. The legal row prevented that, but Reynolds insists that his work will eventually see the light of day. He told the Maker last week: "It's being dealt with by legal people at the moment. The only reason they've given is that the (live) footage is out of date, but everyone knows that if you're doing a feature film, by the time it gets to the screens, it's out of date. "The thing is, they ban everything. They try to get their own videos banned, and now they're trying to ban something which was approved by their management as the best live footage of them at the time. It's absoloutely fantastic, and it will be seen one day." XL Recordings responded: "Contrary to information which you may have recently received, Prodigy will not be appearing in the 'Mutant Dog' film which is being made by Mark Reynolds of Mad Dog Productions."
перевод заметки из Melody Maker.
Режиссер Марк Рейнолдс, работавший с The Prodigy над "Electronic Punks", планировал включить съемки с концертов группы 1996 года в свой новый фильм "Mutant Dog", премьера которого должна была состояться на Каннском фестивале. Впрочем, ввиду судебных тяжб этому не суждено было произойти, хотя Рейнолдс настаивает на том, что его работа в конечном итоге увидит свет. На прошлой неделе он сообщил Melody Maker следующее: "В данный момент над этим работают юристы. Единственная причина запрета моего фильма, которую они озвучивают - это то, концертные съемки "устарели". Хотя всем понятно, что к моменту выхода на экраны любой художественный фильм является устаревшим. Проблема в том, что они запрещают все подряд. Они даже пытаются запретить свои собственные видео, а сейчас они хотят наложить запрет на то, что менеджмент признал лучшей записью их живых концертов всех времен. Эти записи - полная фантастика, и вы рано или поздно их увидите".
Представители XL Recordings сообщили следующее: "Вопреки информации, которую вы могли встречать ранее, The Prodigy не появятся в фильме "Mutant Dog"."
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #8 03 марта 2013, 19:52:45
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #9 13 июля 2013, 18:00:34

Breathe Tour October 1996
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #10 08 сентября 2013, 22:28:12

Mark Reynolds: Couldn't sleep, too many inspiring ideas spinning around my head for a cool edit I'm working on. Made a last minute decision to leave the flat at 3.30 am and go out and see an old friend who was in town for the night. — With Chris Green, Maxim Reality and Maciej Grzymalski in London.
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #11 09 сентября 2013, 18:54:36
Вот такие вот Пироги .
Напрашивается,один вопрос:Почему он не выложит все это в инет ?
Хочет на Ebay Что ли продать?

Prodigy "BREATHE TOUR" Wolverhampton 1996

Сейчас играет: Archive- So Few Words
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #13 11 сентября 2013, 12:50:38
Mark Reynolds: Couldn't sleep, too many inspiring ideas spinning around my head for a cool edit I'm working on. Made a last minute decision to leave the flat at 3.30 am and go out and see an old friend who was in town for the night. — With Chris Green, Maxim Reality and Maciej Grzymalski in London.
| Судя по последней загруженной картинке и описанию, Марк не стоит на месте и продолжает делать что-то очень интересное. Как я понял отснятого материала — очень большое количество (если даже судить по скрину из монтажа клипа Breathe примерно 8 часов видео) и он пытается это как-то урезать и сделать что-то о чем мы наверняка узнаем чуть позже
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #14 16 сентября 2013, 13:26:30
В следующий раз копируйте изображение вместе с описанием Марка
Несколько заметок:
* На этих 2 кассетах, как утверждает Марк, запись одного или даже 2 концертов, а именно: 1996.10.07 - Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, UK
* А здесь октябрьский Breathe тур, а именно: 1996.10.26 - Ballantines - Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany
* В комментариях Марк написал, что у него имеется еще порядко 10 кассет с аналогичным содержанием с 1995-1996 год
* Здесь абсолютно вся коробка с кассетами Prodigy. Из них верхний ряд это Poison Tour, а именно то, что на Electronic Punks, но как я думаю в более полном содержании, снизу всем понятно, что это мэйкинги клипов Poison, Firestarter, Breathe
I can't remember if I was too busy or if I turned down 'No Good Start the Dance', whatever the reason I regret it.
I do remember being at film school and seeing the video for 'Everybody in the Place' and hating it.
Little did I realize this band would become one of my favorites to work with in the future.
This was a really long edit, shot on 4 different formats and at different speeds. We worked all over Christmas and New Year. When we finally got approval late one night Walter and me went out for a drink which resulted in us going back to the edit suite for an all night session to hand in this current version by 10 am the next morning.
I agreed to shoot all the Super 8mm and Pro Hi 8 video if I could make a documentary on the making of the video..
Неизданный фильм Mutant Dog: A Life On The Run и другие видео Марка Рейнольдса
Ответ #16 17 января 2014, 21:56:40
Я спросил когда там он зальет лайв с фильма, шеф ответил что возможно скоро.

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